i.safe MOBILE Introduce BT HID for IS530.1

i.safe MOBILE Introduce BT HID for IS530.1

i.safe MOBILE has developed the Bluetooth Human Interface Device application (BT HID) for the IS530.1 and the IS530.2 in combination with our IS-TH1xx.x. The IS.TH1xx.x brings the industry-proven barcode capturing of the Zebra SE4750 MR 1D/2D Mid-range or the SE4850ER...
Offshore 4G Connectivity Through Tampnet

Offshore 4G Connectivity Through Tampnet

Exloc are excited to be able to offer Tampnet SIM Cards with our range of 4G enabled devices. This enables users to keep a strong and reliable 4G connection while working on offshore platforms in the North Sea. Tampnet are the largest 4G network provider in the North...
Making a Device User-Friendly

Making a Device User-Friendly

Putting the human first is the most important aspect of developing a mobile device that can extend the capabilities of a worker. By putting the human who is using the device first, the resistance to new technology becomes much less of a challenge and leads to wider...
Always In Stock at Exloc

Always In Stock at Exloc

At Exloc we pride ourselves in holding stock of all of our most popular tablets and smartphones to ensure that we can always supply our customers without long lead-times which can delay important work. We always hold a good stock level of devices such as the IS530.1...
New ATEX Smartphones from Exloc

New ATEX Smartphones from Exloc

We’re excited to announce two new ATEX smartphones which have been added to our range of devices available for hazardous areas. The first devices is the IS330.1 ATEX Zone 1 featurephone has a full physical keypad as well as Android 9 operating system. This...

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