SOS-Mobile App
Easy-to-Use Emergency Application for Quick Alerting

SOS-Mobile App
The Emergency Call Application increases security for lone workers at dangerous work stations. In hazardous situations, the application automatically triggers an emergency call and simultaneously sends out the employee’s positional data. An acoustic alarm makes it easier to find the accident victim. If the accident victim is still capable of doing so, he or she can press the emergency signal button to trigger an emergency call. The emergency call can be escalated until emergency assistance measures are initiated.
The SOS-Mobile App also allows the remote processing of pending alarms.
The App for Lone Workers
This app is part of a certified SOS alarm solution to protect lone workers whilst on duty. It is linked to an online SOS account which enables an organisation to handle incoming alarms in accordance with legal requirements. Provided they are capable of doing so, an injured person can send an emergency call via the app in a crisis situation. And likewise, the app can also send an automatic emergency call to cover situations where the injured person is unable to summon help independently.
Contact Exloc today for more information or to get a free 30-day demo!