Exloc Instruments will be at the Teesside InstMC Control & Electrical Exhibition as usual on November 8th, The exhibition however will be moving to a different venue.

Exloc Instruments Business Development Manager Ian Tyzack who has organised the exhibition for many years has made the following announcement..

On behalf of the Teesside Section of the InstMC, I have pleasure in announcing that we have managed to secure an alternative venue for the Control & Electrical Exhibition.
It will now be staged at the STEM Centre, Middlesbrough College, Dock Street, Middlesbrough, TS2 1AD, which, for those of you have reserved local accommodation, is 4 miles north of the Marton Hotel.
The exhibition times are unchanged, ie, 0930 until 1530, the four Seminars will be included, as will the buffet & a designated visitors car park will be allocated for us.
It is hoped that the previous afternoon will be available for stand set-up, etc.

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