Exloc Instruments UK is proud to announce that we have passed an in-depth set of assessments to achieve ISO-9001:2015 certification for our quality management system.
This is an important milestone for Exloc as this certification demonstrates our rigorous quality standards and commitment to continuously improve our business processes. Quality and on-time delivery remain our highest priority and we are proud to say that we excel at both. This is reflected in our repeat business and high customer satisfaction ratings.
The ISO 9001 standard
The standard covers the entire organisation and ensures that once certified a fully functioning Quality Management System will be in place. This system is subject to continual assessment and improvement and ensures that as the business changes so to does the Quality system surrounding it.
The standard applies to any organisation, regardless of size or industry and helps ensure their customers consistently receive high quality products and services
The standard encompasses seven principles;
- Customer Focus
- Leadership
- Engagement of People
- Process Approach
- Improvement
- Evidence Based Decision Making
- Relationship Management
But the key here is that whilst some aspects of the standard are mandatory how they are implemented is determined by the business and its needs. As long as the fundamental requirements have been met, are implemented and are monitored the organisation can be compliant with the standard.
Certified organisations are audited both internally and externally at least once per year to ensure that the policies and procedures are being maintained, adhered to and, where necessary, improved.