
Exloc Instruments UKWerma


Exloc Instruments are working with Werma to supply and market their range of Exi light towers. We can also supply on request the Werma range of Ex sirens and beacons.

WERMA Signaltechnik is one of the world’s leading companies for optical and audible signal devices. The globally active company from Swabia in Germany is pioneering in terms of technical and future-fit innovations. Our signal devices ensure safe working environments and efficient processes with machines, systems, manufacturing bays and buildings.

Signal devices warn, guide and protect us

WERMA has been developing and manufacturing electrical devices for over 60 years. Our signal devices inform or alarm people, machines and computers, and with a wide range covering in excess of 3,500 articles, signal devices from WERMA offer solutions for the most varied of applications.




If you would like literature on our range of ATEX Signal Towers or would like us to send you price and delivery quotation, please contact us via the more information button below.









Contact us: sales@exloc.co.uk   Tel: 01457 239301

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